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Buying a new home or investment property?

Buying a property

Whether you are considering purchasing a new home to live in or looking for an investment property, you will need do your research and plan carefully.

Here are some useful tips to make the process go as smoothly as possible.

Do your research

Firstly consider the kind of property you are looking for.

Narrow down the location, the size and what features are essential or nice to have.

These will depend on what you or your family needs or, what you consider will appeal to prospective tenants.

Read the real estate sections of newspapers and digital news sites, search real estate websites and visit open homes.

You may also want to research the potential for the property to increase in value over time.

Talk to Sun Insurance

Sun Insurance can take the hassle out of finding a home loan so you can focus on finding a suitable property.

We will guide you through the process and work with your legal representative to ensure the purchase goes smoothly.

At Sun Insurance we have ample experience and access to a broad range of loans and lenders.

A good mortgage broker can not only help research finance options, but they often have local expertise that can help you as well.

Arrange finance

It is a good idea to get a head start by arranging your home loan early. Working out what you can afford, how much deposit you need as well as what the repayments will be, will give you clear parameters to help guide your property search.

You can get pre-approved for a loan before you find a property to purchase and then once your offer is accepted the lender can proceed to full approval. This can give you the confidence to make an offer knowing that you have done your financial homework.

Settlement date

Your legal representative will work closely with the lender in the final stages of the purchase.

On the settlement date the balance of the purchase price is paid and the title of ownership is handed over.

Once this occurs you will be free to occupy the property, complete improvements or allow your new tenants to move in.

For a no obligation consultation call us any time on:

Off: 09 360 5555, or,

Mob: 0273 000666, or,

E mail: info@suninsurance


Contact numbers:

Office (09) 360 5555

After hours 0273 000666


22 Nelson St

Akl 1010

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